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Giselle Harrington

Study Abroad Coordinator


Growing up deeply rooted in the international church, and raised in the Egyptian heritage, I’ve always had a special interest in culture and an appreciation for the differences that make us unique individuals. Some of the most fulfilling experiences of my life have involved the immersive international travel I have been fortunate enough to do, and the relationships I have built as a result of those adventures. I firmly believe that taking the time to learn about other cultures, and appreciate the food and traditions of others, is one of the most enriching things life has to offer.

As a Roberts alum, my college experience was so integral for me becoming the person I am today. My hope is to help others enjoy a similar opportunity for growth and make their time in college as memorable, fulfilling, and fun as mine was. Through my work in planning events, offering service trips, and providing practical, day-to-day assistance, I strive to make each international student's time at Roberts as easy as possible and to help them feel included in all that campus, and the Rochester area, have to offer.